2818 Wintersteen Road, Plattsmouth NE, 68048
Brandon is a passionate professional with a fire for personal growth and developmennt. After studying Business Mangement at Western Governors University and obtaining a Bachelor's Degree, Brandon used that knowledge in his 7 years of retail management.
Still, he felt the draw to real estate and in 2019 gained his Real Estate license, where he could work closely with clients and see firsthand the impact he could have on their lives.
In the few moments he's not busy helping clients, you can likely find Brandon enjoying time at the lake with family and friends.
As a member of the Omaha Area Board of Realtors, Brandon is here to help you buy and/or sell the property of your dreams. Brandon is committed to an honest and professional experience and will follow through to make sure the details of your real estate transactions are done thoroughly and accurately.